- Group
- Admin
- Numbers
- Announcements
- Access Device Management
- Service Licenses
- Properties
- Mobile Numbers
- Users
- Calendar Schedules
- Retrieve the group’s calendar schedules list
- Create a new group’s calendar schedule instance
- Retrieve a group’s calendar schedule instance
- Update a group’s calendar schedule instance
- Delete group’s calendar schedules list
- Delete a group’s calendar schedule instance
- Create a new group’s calendar schedule period instance
- Retrieve a group’s calendar schedule period instance
- Update a group’s calendar schedule period instance
- Delete a group’s calendar schedule period instance
- Time Schedules
- Retrieve the group’s time schedules list
- Create a new group’s time schedule instance
- Retrieve a group’s time schedule instance
- Update a group’s time schedule instance
- Delete group’s time schedules list
- Delete a group’s time schedule instance
- Create a new group’s time schedule period instance
- Retrieve a group’s time schedule period instance
- Update a group’s time schedule period instance
- Delete a group’s time schedule period instance
- Extensions Length
- Session Admission Control Group
- Call Processing Policy
- Password rules
- Pincode rules
- Common Objects
- Call Center Instance
- Call Center Service Instance Profile
- Service User Profile
- Call Center List Item
- Agent List Item
- Agent User ID List Item
- Skilled Agent List Item
- Announcement Config
- Estimated Wait Message Options
- Audio File Upload
- Voice Portal Instance
- Call Capacity Instance
- Group attributes
- Access Device attributes
- User Profile Attributes
- Access Device Endpoint
- Access Device
- User Voice Messaging Basic attributes
- User Voice Messaging Advanced attributes
- User Voice Messaging Announcements attributes
- Incoming Calling Plan Permissions
- Outgoing Calling Plan Permissions
- Outgoing Calling Plan Redirecting attributes
- Outgoing Calling Plan Originating attributes
- Announcement Usages
- Hunt Group Instance
- Hunt Group List Item
- Available User List Item
- Group Session Admission Control Group in list attributes
- Services
- Services Management
- 3rd Party Voice Mail
- Call Capacity Management
- Call Center
- Common Phone List Services
- Call Pickup
- Group Night Forwarding
- Hunt Group
- Intercept
- Music On Hold
- IVR (Auto-Attendant)
- Outgoing Calling Plan Services
- Phone Directory Services
- Group Trunk Group
- Group Trunking Capacity
- Group Trunking Users
- Voice Messaging
- Hoteling Host Service
- Group Call Recording