Pincode rules¶
Retrieve pincode rules¶
(string: tenant_id)/groups/
(string: group_id)/passcode_rules/
¶ The API implemented using the GroupPortalPasscodeRulesGetRequest.
Retrieve active pincode rules¶
(string: tenant_id)/groups/
(string: group_id)/active_passcode_rules/
¶ The API implemented using the GroupPortalPasscodeRulesGetRequest, ServiceProviderPortalPasscodeRulesGetRequest and SystemPortalPasscodeRulesGetRequest.
Update pincode rules¶
(string: tenant_id)/groups/
(string: group_id)/password_rules/
¶ The API implemented using the GroupPortalPasscodeRulesModifyRequest.
Additional informations
- Request JSON Object:
useRuleLevel (string) – One of ‘System’, ‘Tenant’ ,’Group’.
numberOfRepeatedDigits (integer) – Value between 1 and 6.
numberOfAscendingDigits (integer) – Value between 2 and 5.
numberOfDescendingDigits (integer) – Value between 2 and 5.
numberOfPreviousPasscodes (integer) – Value between 1 and 10.
minCodeLength (integer) – Value between 2 and 15.
maxCodeLength (integer) – Value between 3 and 30.
maxFailedLoginAttempts (integer) – Value between 2 and 10.
passcodeExpiresDays (integer) – Value between 15 and 180.
loginDisabledNotifyEmailAddress (string) – Maximum length 80, can be empty.