This chapter describes the different properties of a Tenant. The Tenant is a generic name used at APIO level to describe different types of highest level end points.
- Tenant Profile Management
- Tenant Admin Profile Management
- Groups
- Service Licenses
- Service Packs
- Numbers
- Mobile Numbers
- Password rules
- Pincode rules
- Network Classes Of Service
- Assign a list of Network Classes Of Service to a Tenant
- List Network Classes Of Service assigned to a Tenant
- Get a Network Class Of Service assigned to a Tenant
- Modify the default Network Class Of Service assigned to a Tenant
- Remove a Network Class Of Service from a Tenant
- Remove a list of Network Classes Of Service from a Tenant
- Calendar Schedules
- Retrieve the tenant’s calendar schedules list
- Create a new tenant’s calendar schedule instance
- Retrieve a tenant’s calendar schedule instance
- Update a tenant’s calendar schedule instance
- Delete tenant’s calendar schedules list
- Delete a tenant’s calendar schedule instance
- Add public holidays for tenant’s calendar schedule
- Create a new tenant’s calendar schedule period instance
- Retrieve a tenant’s calendar schedule period instance
- Update a tenant’s calendar schedule period instance
- Delete a tenant’s calendar schedule period instance
- Time Schedules
- Retrieve the tenant’s time schedules list
- Create a new tenant’s time schedule instance
- Retrieve a tenant’s time schedule instance
- Update a tenant’s time schedule instance
- Delete tenant’s time schedules list
- Delete a tenant’s time schedule instance
- Create a new tenant’s time schedule period instance
- Retrieve a tenant’s time schedule period instance
- Update a tenant’s time schedule period instance
- Delete a tenant’s time schedule period instance
- Tenant Advanced Time Schedules
- Retrieve the tenant’s advanced time schedules list
- Create a new tenant’s advanced time schedule instance
- Retrieve a tenant’s advanced time schedule instance
- Update a tenant’s advanced time schedule instance
- Delete tenant’s advanced time schedules list
- Delete a tenant’s advanced time schedule instance
- Create a new tenant’s advanced time schedule period instance
- Retrieve a tenant’s advanced time schedule period instance
- Update a tenant’s advanced time schedule period instance
- Delete a tenant’s advanced time schedule period instance
- Tenant Domains
- Common Objects
- Group basic attributes
- Service License Management List Item
- Tenant Numbers attributes
- Tenant Assigned Numbers attributes
- Tenant Mobile Numbers attributes
- Phone List attributes
- Tenant network class of service in list attributes
- Tenant virtual on net user in get list attributes
- Service User in List attributes
- Tenant meet me conferencing ports attributes
- Tenant department in list attributes
- Tenant department attributes
- Tenant department available parent list attributes
- Immediate Trunking Connectivity Numbers Range attributes
- Immediate Trunking Connectivity Prefixes attributes
- Device in List attributes
- Digit pattern criteria in list attributes
- Digit pattern criteria attributes
- Profile in list attributes
- Digit pattern rule attributes
- Digit pattern criteria attributes
- Tenant rules apply to attribute
- Tenant Announcement attributes
- Feature Access Code
- User’s Application Data List Item
- Tenant Services
- Common Phone List Services
- Tenant Trunking
- Tenant Trunking Capacity
- Tenant Trunking Users
- Instant Messaging & Presence
- Number Portability Query
- Tenant Phone Directory Services
- Suspension Status
- Tenant Virtual On Net Extensions
- Voice Messaging
- Call center
- Call Processing Policies
- Tenant Meet Me Conferencing
- Tenant Immediate Trunking Connectivity
- Communication Barring Digit Pattern
- Communication Barring Profile
- Tenant Pre Alerting Announcement
- Tenant Properties
- Tenant Searches
- Enterprise Departments
- Devices in Tenant
- Tenant Device Profile Authentication Password Rules
- Tenant Bulks