Common Objects¶
Several API are using similar objects. Their constraints/restrictions with respect to the standtr APIO API are described in this section.
Call Center Instance¶
Name |
Type |
Methods |
Description |
serviceInstanceProfile |
Object |
A |
R |
O |
type |
String |
A |
O |
O |
Value from “Basic”, “Standard”, “Premium”. |
routingType |
String |
A |
O |
O |
Value from “Priority”, “Skill”. |
policy |
String |
A |
R |
O |
Value from “Circular”, “Regular”, “Simultaneous”, “Uniform”, “Weighted”. |
queueLength |
Integer |
A |
O |
O |
Value in range 0 - 525. |
enableReporting |
Boolean |
A |
O |
O |
Only for Standard and Premium. |
escapeDigit |
String |
A |
O |
O |
Value in range “0” - “9”, “*” or “#”. |
allowCallsToAgentsInWrapUp |
Boolean |
A |
O |
O |
Only for Standard and Premium. |
overrideAgentWrapUpTime |
Boolean |
A |
O |
O |
Only for Standard and Premium. |
wrapUpSeconds |
Integer |
A |
O |
O |
Only for Standard and Premium. Value in range 1 - 3600. |
forceDeliveryOfCalls |
Boolean |
A |
O |
O |
Only for Premium. |
forceDeliveryWaitTimeSecondsSeconds |
Integer |
A |
O |
O |
Only for Premium. Value in range 1 - 10. 0 stands for not set. |
enableAutomaticStateChangeForAgents |
Boolean |
A |
O |
O |
Only for Standard and Premium. |
agentStateAfterCall |
String |
A |
O |
O |
Only for Standard and Premium. Value from “Available”, “Unavailable”, “Wrap-Up”. |
agentUnavailableCode |
String |
C |
O |
O |
Only for Standard and Premium. Not emtpy, value in range 1 - 10. WARNING: From Rel22, the agentUnavailableCode is returned in these API only if the associated feature is activated at Group level. In order to set it correctly:
externalPreferredAudioCodec |
String |
A |
O |
O |
See Audio File Codec. |
internalPreferredAudioCodec |
String |
A |
O |
O |
See Audio File Codec. |
networkClassOfService |
String |
A |
O |
O |
Not empty. |
Call Center Service Instance Profile¶
Name |
Type |
Methods |
Description |
name |
String |
A |
R |
O |
Not Empty. |
cliFirstName |
String |
A |
R |
O |
Not Empty. |
cliLastName |
String |
A |
R |
O |
Not Empty. |
phoneNumber |
String |
A |
O |
O |
Directory Number in E164 Format. |
extension |
String |
A |
O |
O |
Minimum length 2. |
password |
String |
N |
R |
F |
Not Empty. |
language |
String |
A |
R |
O |
See Language. |
timeZone |
String |
A |
R |
O |
Value from the customer’s installed timezones. |
Service User Profile¶
Name |
Type |
Methods |
Description |
name |
String |
A |
R |
O |
Not Empty. |
cliFirstName |
String |
A |
R |
O |
Not Empty. |
cliLastName |
String |
A |
R |
O |
Not Empty. |
phoneNumber |
String |
A |
O |
O |
Directory Number in E164 Format. |
extension |
String |
A |
O |
O |
Minimum length 2. |
password |
String |
N |
R |
F |
Not Empty. |
language |
String |
A |
R |
O |
See Language. |
timeZone |
String |
A |
R |
O |
Value from the customer’s installed timezones. |
aliases |
Array |
A |
O |
O |
Maximum 3 entries are allowed. |
Call Center List Item¶
Name |
Type |
Method |
Description |
phoneNumber |
String |
A |
Directory Number in E164 Format. |
extension |
String |
A |
Minimum length 2. |
type |
String |
A |
Value from “Basic”, “Standard”, “Premium”. |
policy |
String |
A |
Value from “Circular”, “Regular”, “Simultaneous”, “Uniform”, “Weighted”. |
Agent List Item¶
Name |
Type |
Methods |
Description |
userId |
String |
A |
R |
firstName |
String |
A |
F |
lastName |
String |
A |
F |
weight |
Integer |
A |
F |
phoneNumber |
String |
A |
F |
extension |
String |
A |
F |
department |
String |
A |
F |
emailAddress |
String |
A |
F |
skillLevel |
String |
A |
F |
Only for Premium agents. |
Agent User ID List Item¶
Name |
Type |
Method |
Description |
userId |
String |
R |
Unique name for the agent assigned to a call center. |
Skilled Agent List Item¶
Name |
Type |
Method |
Description |
agents |
Array |
R |
skillLevel |
String |
R |
Value in range 1 - 20. |
Announcement Config¶
Name |
Type |
Methods |
Description |
audioMessageSelection |
String |
A |
R |
Value from “Default”, “File”. |
audioFileList |
Array |
A |
O |
List of the audio file to set. See Audio File List Item. |
Estimated Wait Message Options¶
Name |
Type |
Methods |
Description |
operatingMode |
String |
A |
O |
Value from “Position”, “Time”. |
maximumPositions |
Integer |
A |
O |
Value in range 1 - 100. |
maximumWaitingMinutes |
Integer |
A |
O |
Value in range 10 - 100. |
defaultCallHandlingMinutes |
Integer |
A |
O |
Value in range 1 - 100. |
timeBetweenEWMUpdatesSeconds |
Integer |
A |
O |
Value in range 10 - 600. |
Audio File Upload¶
Name |
Type |
Method |
Description |
description |
String |
R |
Description for the audio file. |
content |
String |
R |
The file content in Base64, the server will try to transcode it into a supported format. |
Audio File Codec¶
< Rel. 22, value from “None”, “G711”, “G722”, “G729”, “G726”, “AMR”, “AMR-WB”. >= Rel. 22, value from “None”, “G711”, “G722”, “G729”, “G726”, “AMR”, “AMR-WB”, “OPUS”, “EVRC0”, “EVRCNW”, “EVRCNW0”.
Voice Portal Instance¶
Name |
Type |
Methods |
Description |
serviceUserId |
String |
A |
R |
The unique Id of the Voice Portal. For PUT the value is an URL parameter. |
serviceUserProfile |
Object |
A |
O |
See Service User Profile. |
voicePortalExternalRoutingScope |
String |
A |
O |
Value from “System”, “Group”. |
Call Capacity Instance¶
Name |
Type |
Methods |
Description |
maxCalls |
Integer |
A |
R |
R |
F |
Value in range 0 - 99999. |
maxIncomingCalls |
Integer |
A |
O |
O |
F |
Value in range 0 - 99999. |
maxOutgoingCalls |
Integer |
A |
O |
O |
F |
Value in range 0 - 99999. |
Group attributes¶
Name |
Type |
Methods |
Description |
userLimit |
Integer |
A |
R |
O |
Value from 1 - 999999. -1 if unlimited. |
Access Device attributes¶
Name |
Type |
Methods |
Description |
protocol |
String |
A |
R |
R |
Value from supported protocols. “SIP 2.0”. |
netPort |
Integer |
A |
O |
O |
Value in range 1025 - 65535. |
outboundProxyServerNetAddress |
String |
A |
O |
O |
The IP Address, hostname, or domain. |
stunServerNetAddress |
String |
A |
O |
O |
The IP Address, hostname, or domain. |
macAddress |
String |
A |
O |
O |
serialNumber |
String |
A |
O |
O |
The access device serial number. |
description |
String |
A |
O |
O |
numberOfPorts |
Integer |
A |
F |
F |
numberOfAssignedPorts |
Integer |
A |
F |
F |
status |
String |
A |
F |
F |
Value from “Online”, “Offline”, “Unavailable”, “Unknown”. |
physicalLocation |
String |
A |
C |
C |
Used in conjunction with the Physical Location user service. |
transportProtocol |
String |
A |
O |
O |
Value from “UDP”, “TCP”, “Unspecified”. |
User Profile Attributes¶
Name |
Type |
Methods |
Description |
userId |
String |
R |
R |
R |
User ID. For GET, PUT and DELETE the value comes from the URL param. |
lastName |
String |
A |
R |
O |
Last Name. |
firstName |
String |
A |
R |
O |
First Name. |
cliLastName |
String |
A |
R |
O |
First Name for Calling Line Id Display. |
cliFirstName |
String |
A |
R |
O |
Last Name for Calling Line Id Display. |
phoneNumber |
String |
A |
O |
O |
The public phone number to reach the service. |
extension |
String |
A |
O |
O |
The internal extension to reach the service. |
password |
String |
N |
R |
F |
The password. |
oldPassword |
String |
N |
F |
O |
The old password to be modified. |
newPassword |
String |
N |
F |
C |
The new password to be modified. Only if oldPassword is specified. |
language |
String |
A |
R |
O |
The language used for this service, it usually impacts announcements. |
emailAddress |
String |
A |
R |
O |
The user email address. |
timeZone |
String |
A |
R |
O |
TimeZone. |
accessDeviceEndpoint |
Object |
A |
O |
O |
An object as defined in Access Device Endpoint. |
cliPhoneNumber |
String |
A |
O |
O |
The public phone number exposed by the service when calling out. |
Access Device Endpoint¶
Name |
Type |
Methods |
Description |
accessDevice |
Object |
R |
R |
R |
An object as defined in Access Device. |
contacts |
Array |
A |
R |
O |
A list of contacts (strings). Min items 1, max items 5. |
Access Device¶
Name |
Type |
Methods |
Description |
name |
String |
A |
A |
A |
A |
The name of the access device. |
level |
String |
A |
O |
O |
O |
The level of the access device. |
User Voice Messaging Basic attributes¶
Name |
Type |
Methods |
Description |
processing |
String |
A |
O |
Value from “Unified”, “Address Only”. |
User Voice Messaging Advanced attributes¶
Name |
Type |
Methods |
Description |
mailServerSelection |
String |
A |
O |
Value from “Group”, “Personal”. |
mailboxLimit |
String Integer |
C |
OC |
Value from “useGroupSetting”. In this case “useGroupDefaultMailServerFullMailboxLimit” is automatically set to true. Value from 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900. |
personalMailServerProtocol |
String |
C |
O |
Value from “POP3”, “IMAP”. |
User Voice Messaging Announcements attributes¶
Name |
Type |
Methods |
Description |
disableMessageDepositAction |
String |
A |
O |
Value from “Disconnect”, “Forward”. |
busyAnnouncementSelection |
Boolean |
A |
O |
Value from “Default”, “Personal”. |
busyPersonalAudioFile |
Object/String |
A |
O |
An object as defined in Announcement File Name or an empty string to unassign the announcement. |
noAnswerNumberOfRings |
Integer |
A |
O |
Value from 0 or in range 2 - 20. |
extendedAwayAudioFile |
Object/String |
A |
O |
An object as defined in Announcement File Name or an empty string to unassign the announcement. |
noAnswerAnnouncementSelection |
String |
A |
O |
Value from “Default”, “Personal”, “Alternate01”, “Alternate02”, “Alternate03”. |
noAnswerPersonalAudioFile |
Object/String |
A |
O |
An object as defined in Announcement File Name or an empty string to unassign the announcement. |
Incoming Calling Plan Permissions¶
Name |
Type |
Methods |
Description |
allowFromOutsideGroup |
String |
A |
O |
Value from “Allow”, “Allow Only If Redirected From Another User”, “Disallow”. |
Outgoing Calling Plan Permissions¶
Outgoing Calling Plan Redirecting attributes¶
Value from “Disallow”, “Allow”.
Outgoing Calling Plan Originating attributes¶
Value from “Disallow”, “Allow”, “Authorization Code Required”, “Transfer To First Transfer Number”, “Transfer To Second Transfer Number”, “Transfer To Third Transfer Number”.
Announcement Usages¶
Name |
Type |
Method |
Description |
service |
String |
A |
The Service Name values correspond to string values of the GroupService and UserService data types. |
instance |
Integer |
A |
With the exception of the string “Voice Portal” which is returned when the announcement is being used by Voice Portal Personalized Name. |
Hunt Group Instance¶
Name |
Type |
Methods |
Description |
serviceInstanceProfile |
Object |
A |
R |
O |
policy |
String |
A |
R |
O |
Value from “Circular”, “Regular”, “Simultaneous”, “Uniform”, “Weighted”. |
noAnswerNumberOfRings |
Integer |
A |
O |
O |
Value in range 1 - 20. |
forwardTimeoutSeconds |
Integer |
A |
O |
O |
Value in range 0 - 7200. |
forwardToPhoneNumber |
String |
A |
O |
O |
Not empty. |
notReachableForwardToPhoneNumber |
String |
A |
O |
O |
Not empty. |
networkClassOfService |
String |
A |
O |
O |
Not empty. |
Hunt Group List Item¶
Name |
Type |
Method |
Description |
phoneNumber |
String |
A |
Directory Number in E164 Format. |
extension |
String |
A |
Minimum length 2. |
policy |
String |
A |
Value from “Circular”, “Regular”, “Simultaneous”, “Uniform”, “Weighted”. |
Available User List Item¶
Name |
Type |
Methods |
Description |
userId |
String |
A |
R |
R |
firstName |
String |
A |
F |
F |
lastName |
String |
A |
F |
F |
phoneNumber |
String |
A |
F |
F |
extension |
String |
A |
F |
F |
department |
String |
A |
F |
F |
emailAddress |
String |
A |
F |
F |
Group Session Admission Control Group in list attributes¶
Name |
Type |
Method |
Description |
name |
String |
A |
The name of the SAC group. Length in range 1 - 40. |
maxSessions |
Integer |
A |
The maximum number of concurrent sessions enter the maximum number of concurrent sessions allowed for the SAC group. Non-negative value. |
maxOrigSessions |
Integer |
A |
The maximum number of concurrent user originating sessions, enter the maximum number of concurrent user-originated sessions allowed for the SAC group. Non-negative value. |
maxTermSessions |
Integer |
A |
The maximum number of concurrent user terminating sessions,enter the maximum number of concurrent user-terminated sessions allowed for the SAC group. Non-negative value. |