Mobile Numbers

The mobile numbers are the numbers used for the Mobility service

List numbers in the group

GET /api/v1/tenants/(string: tenant_id)/groups/(string: group_id)/services/mobile_numbers/
For the Service Provider, he API is using 2 different Broadsoft APIs, both can be used in the same API call.
When “available” is True, GroupBroadWorksMobilityMobileSubscriberDirectoryNumberGetAvailableListRequest is used.
When “assignement” is True, GroupBroadWorksMobilityMobileSubscriberDirectoryNumberGetAssignmentListRequest is used.
For the Enterprise the API is using 2 different Broadsoft APIs, both can be used in the same API call.
When “available” is True, EnterpriseBroadWorksMobilityMobileSubscriberDirectoryNumberGetAvailableListRequest is used.
When “assignement” is True, EnterpriseBroadWorksMobilityMobileSubscriberDirectoryNumberGetAssignmentListRequest is used with a searchCriteriaExactUserGroup criteria to filter in the group.

Assign numbers to the group

POST /api/v1/tenants/(string: tenant_id)/groups/(string: group_id)/services/mobile_numbers/
The API is mapped to GroupBroadWorksMobilityMobileSubscriberDirectoryNumberAssignListRequest
There is no partial success possible: it is a all or nothing

Additional informations

Request JSON Object:
  • phoneNumbers (array) – Minimum items: 1.

Status Codes:
  • 405 Method Not Allowed – If the Group is part of an Enterprise, this operation is rejected. the error code will be NOT_AVAILABLE_IN_ENTERPRISE_MODE

Unassign numbers from the group

DELETE /api/v1/tenants/(string: tenant_id)/groups/(string: group_id)/services/mobile_numbers/
The API is mapped to GroupBroadWorksMobilityMobileSubscriberDirectoryNumberUnassignListRequest
There is no partial success possible: it is a all or nothing

Additional informations

Request JSON Object:
  • phoneNumbers (array) – Minimum items: 1.

Status Codes:
  • 405 Method Not Allowed – If the Group is part of an Enterprise, this operation is rejected. the error code will be NOT_AVAILABLE_IN_ENTERPRISE_MODE