Search for Application data of all of the End Users of a Tenant

List Users Application Data

GET /api/v1/tenants/(string: tenant_id)/search/properties/users_app_data/(string: applicationId)/

List all the Application Data from all the End Users of a Tenant for a particular Application.

Example request:

GET /api/v1/tenants/foo/search/properties/users_app_data/netaxis/ HTTP/1.1

   "keys": ["coffee", "beer"]
Request JSON Object:
  • keys (array) – (Optional) List only the AppData for the specified list of keys.

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: "application/json"

   "applicationDatas": [
      {"tenantId": "foo", "groupId": "fooGroup", "userId": "", "applicationId": "netaxis", "key": "coffee", "lastName": "Lavazza is great"},
      {"tenantId": "foo", "groupId": "fooGroup", "userId": "", "applicationId": "netaxis", "key": "beer", "lastName": "Orval is great"},
      {"tenantId": "foo", "groupId": "fooGroup", "userId": "", "applicationId": "netaxis", "key": "coffee", "lastName": "Starbucks is cool"}
Response JSON Object:
Status Codes: