Tenant Device Profile Authentication Password Rules¶
Retrieve Device Profile password rules¶
(string: tenant_id)/device_password_rules/
¶ Retrieve all the service provider level device profile authentication password rule settings
Authorization rights: minimum System Admin.
Example request:
GET /api/v1/tenants/fooTenant/device_password_rules/ HTTP/1.1 Host: example.com {}
Example response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: "application/json" { "useTenantSettings": true, "disallowAuthenticationName": true, "disallowOldPassword": false, "restrictMinDigits": true, "disallowReversedOldPassword": false, "minDigits": 1, "restrictMinUpperCaseLetters": false, "minUpperCaseLetters": 1, "restrictMinLowerCaseLetters": true, "minLowerCaseLetters": 1, "restrictMinNonAlphanumericCharacters": true, "minNonAlphanumericCharacters": 1, "minLength": 6, "sendPermanentLockoutNotification": false, "permanentLockoutNotifyEmailAddress": "", "deviceProfileAuthenticationLockoutType": "None", "deviceProfileTemporaryLockoutThreshold": 5, "deviceProfileWaitAlgorithm": "Double", "deviceProfileLockoutFixedMinutes": 5, "deviceProfilePermanentLockoutThreshold": 5 }
- Response JSON Object:
useTenantSettings (boolean) – if true Use Service Provider Settings else use System Settings
disallowAuthenticationName (boolean) – It is not allowed to have the the authentication user name into password
disallowOldPassword (boolean) – It is not allowed the old password
restrictMinDigits (boolean) – Restriction on minimum number of Digits enabled.
disallowReversedOldPassword (boolean) – It is not allowed to reuse the current password as new one.
minDigits (integer) – Minimum number of Digits (if enable).
restrictMinUpperCaseLetters (boolean) – Restriction on minimum number of Upper Case letters enabled.
minUpperCaseLetters (integer) – Minimum number of Upper Case (if enable).
restrictMinLowerCaseLetters (boolean) – Restriction on minimum number of Lower Case letters enabled.
minLowerCaseLetters (integer) – Minimum number of Lower Case (if enable).
restrictMinNonAlphanumericCharacters (boolean) – Restriction on minimum number of Non AlphaNumeric characters enabled.
minNonAlphanumericCharacters (integer) – Minimum number of Non AlphaNumeric characters (if enable).
minLength (integer) – Minimum length of the password.
sendPermanentLockoutNotification (boolean) – Send an email to an admin When authentication is permanently locked out.
permanentLockoutNotifyEmailAddress (string) – The email of an admin.
deviceProfileAuthenticationLockoutType (string) – Authentication Lockout type for device profile authentication password rules.
deviceProfileTemporaryLockoutThreshold (integer) – Device profile authentication password rules can be used to specify the maximum authentication attempts before temporary lockout.
deviceProfileWaitAlgorithm (string) – Wait algorithm type for device profile/SIP authentication password rules.
deviceProfileLockoutFixedMinutes (integer) – Number of minutes to wait when AuthenticationLockoutWaitAlgorithmType is set to fixed.
deviceProfilePermanentLockoutThreshold (integer) – Device profile authentication password rules can be used to specify the maximum authentication attempts before temporary lockout.
- Status Codes:
200 OK – no error
Update the device profile authentication Password Rules¶
(string: tenant_id)/device_password_rules/
¶ Request to modify the service provider level device profile authentication password rule settings. The useTenantSettings element can only be modified by a system administrator or a provisioning administrator.
Authorization Right:minimum System Admin.
Example request:
PUT /api/v1/tenants/fooTenant/device_password_rules/ HTTP/1.1 Host: example.com Content-Type: "application/json" { "minDigits": 2, "restrictMinLowerCaseLetters": true, "minLowerCaseLetters": 2, "minLength": 8 }
Example response:
- Response:
Similar to GET instance method response.
- Request JSON Object:
useTenantSettings (boolean) – (optional) if enable Use Service Provider/Enterprise Settings instead of System Settings
disallowAuthenticationName (boolean) – (optional) It is not allowed to have the authentication user name into password
disallowOldPassword (boolean) – (optional) It is not allowed the old password
restrictMinDigits (boolean) – (optional) Restriction on minimum number of Digits enabled.
disallowReversedOldPassword (boolean) – (optional) It is not allowed to reuse the current password as new one.
minDigits (integer) – (optional) Minimum number of Digits (if enable).
restrictMinUpperCaseLetters (boolean) – (optional) Restriction on minimum number of Upper Case letters enabled.
minUpperCaseLetters (integer) – (optional) Minimum number of Upper Case (if enable).
restrictMinLowerCaseLetters (boolean) – (optional) Restriction on minimum number of Lower Case letters enabled.
minLowerCaseLetters (integer) – (optional) Minimum number of Lower Case (if enable).
restrictMinNonAlphanumericCharacters (boolean) – (optional) Restriction on minimum number of Non AlphaNumeric characters enabled.
minNonAlphanumericCharacters (integer) – (optional) Minimum number of Non AlphaNumeric characters (if enable).
minLength (integer) – (optional) Minimum length of the password.
sendPermanentLockoutNotification (boolean) – (optional) Send an email to an admin When authentication is permanently locked out.
permanentLockoutNotifyEmailAddress (string) – (optional) The email of an admin.
deviceProfileAuthenticationLockoutType (string) – (optional) Authentication Lockout type for device profile authentication password rules.
deviceProfileTemporaryLockoutThreshold (integer) – (optional) Device profile authentication password rules can be used to specify the maximum authentication attempts before temporary lockout.
deviceProfileWaitAlgorithm (string) – (optional) Wait algorithm type for device profile/SIP authentication password rules.
deviceProfileLockoutFixedMinutes (integer) – (optional) Number of minutes to wait when AuthenticationLockoutWaitAlgorithmType is set to fixed.
deviceProfilePermanentLockoutThreshold (integer) – (optional) Device profile authentication password rules can be used to specify the maximum authentication attempts before temporary lockout.
- Status Codes:
200 OK – no error
400 Bad Request – error in the input data, most probably due to incorrect values.
403 Forbidden – forbidden for given user level
Retrieve Device Profile Authenitcation password rules of the Tenant Admins¶
(string: tenant_id)/device_password_rules/active_rules/
¶ - Retrieve all the active Profile Authenitcation password rules for the admins of a Tenant.
Authorization Right:minimum Tenant Admin.
Example request:
GET /api/v1/tenants/fooTenant/device_profile_rules/active_rules/ HTTP/1.1 Host: example.com {}
Example response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: "application/json" { "disallowAuthenticationName": true, "disallowOldPassword": false, "restrictMinDigits": true, "disallowReversedOldPassword": false, "minDigits": 1, "restrictMinUpperCaseLetters": false, "minUpperCaseLetters": 1, "restrictMinLowerCaseLetters": true, "minLowerCaseLetters": 1, "restrictMinNonAlphanumericCharacters": true, "minNonAlphanumericCharacters": 1, "minLength": 6, "sendPermanentLockoutNotification": false, "permanentLockoutNotifyEmailAddress": "", "deviceProfileAuthenticationLockoutType": "None", "deviceProfileTemporaryLockoutThreshold": 5, "deviceProfileWaitAlgorithm": "Double", "deviceProfileLockoutFixedMinutes": 5, "deviceProfilePermanentLockoutThreshold": 5 }
- Response JSON Object:
disallowAuthenticationName (boolean) – It is not allowed to have the the authentication user name into password
disallowOldPassword (boolean) – It is not allowed the old password
restrictMinDigits (boolean) – Restriction on minimum number of Digits enabled.
disallowReversedOldPassword (boolean) – It is not allowed to reuse the current password as new one.
minDigits (integer) – Minimum number of Digits (if enable).
restrictMinUpperCaseLetters (boolean) – Restriction on minimum number of Upper Case letters enabled.
minUpperCaseLetters (integer) – Minimum number of Upper Case (if enable).
restrictMinLowerCaseLetters (boolean) – Restriction on minimum number of Lower Case letters enabled.
minLowerCaseLetters (integer) – Minimum number of Lower Case (if enable).
restrictMinNonAlphanumericCharacters (boolean) – Restriction on minimum number of Non AlphaNumeric characters enabled.
minNonAlphanumericCharacters (integer) – Minimum number of Non AlphaNumeric characters (if enable).
minLength (integer) – Minimum length of the password.
sendPermanentLockoutNotification (boolean) – Send an email to an admin When authentication is permanently locked out.
permanentLockoutNotifyEmailAddress (string) – The email of an admin.
deviceProfileAuthenticationLockoutType (string) – Authentication Lockout type for device profile authentication password rules.
deviceProfileTemporaryLockoutThreshold (integer) – Device profile authentication password rules can be used to specify the maximum authentication attempts before temporary lockout.
deviceProfileWaitAlgorithm (string) – Wait algorithm type for device profile/SIP authentication password rules.
deviceProfileLockoutFixedMinutes (integer) – Number of minutes to wait when AuthenticationLockoutWaitAlgorithmType is set to fixed.
deviceProfilePermanentLockoutThreshold (integer) – Device profile authentication password rules can be used to specify the maximum authentication attempts before temporary lockout.
- Status Codes:
200 OK – no error