Update the parameters of one service for multiple users¶
This feature allows to update in one shot the parameters of one service (such as Do Not Disturb) for a set of Users (Service Users and End Users).
- Two modes are supported:
providing the new common parameters for the requested service.
giving the user id of a reference User and his settings, for the requested service, will be replicated to the others Users.
The API can be called in synchronous mode or asynchronous mode (pulling). The default mode is configured in the settings of the APIO, and it can be overridden with an input parameter. In case of synchronous call, all the logic is applied and then the final result is sent in the answer. In case of asynchronous call, all the checks are done, then a synchronous answer is sent with the job id and then the rest of the logic (the updates) is executed. It is then possible to pull the status of the job to get the final result.
The answer will provide the status for each requested users, except if a global error occur.
- At least the following global error cases could occur:
the requested service is currently not supported by this bulk API
the reference User does not exist or is not accessible by the logged user.
the reference User has not the requested service assigned
both a reference User and common parameters have been provided
none of the reference User or common parameters have been provided
no list of target users provided
the common parameters do not match the json schema of the requested service
- At the level of the individual results, at least the following errors could occur:
the target User does not have the requested service assigned
the target User does not exist or is not accessible by the logged user.
API definition¶
(string: tenant_id)/bulks/bulk_update_users/
(string: serviceName)/
¶ Update one service for a group of Users.
The name of the service to be updated is in the url and correspond to the service name in the url of the associated end point at End User level
Authorization rights: minimum Tenant Admin.
Example request with service data:
PUT /api/v1/tenants/foo/bulks/bulk_update_users/dnd/ HTTP/1.1 Host: example.com Content-Type: "application/json" { "userIds": [ "fooUser1@foo.com", "fooUser2@foo.com", "fooUser7@foo.com" ], "serviceData" : { "active": true } }
- Request JSON Object:
userIds (array) – a list of userIds (string)
serviceData (object) – the parameters to be applied for each users. Check the individual API for more details
asynch (boolean) – Indicate if the bulk job has to be played in asynchronous (otherwise in synchronous mode). If not provided, the default is valeu is defined by the settings BULK_USER_SRV_ASYNCH with default value False.
Example request with reference user:
PUT /api/v1/tenants/foo/bulks/bulk_update_users/dnd/ HTTP/1.1 Host: example.com Content-Type: "application/json" { "userIds": [ "fooUser1@foo.com", "fooUser2@foo.com", "fooUser7@foo.com" ], "referenceUserId" : "fooMasterUser@foo.com" }
- Request JSON Object:
userIds (array) – a list of userIds (string)
referenceUserId (string) – the user Id of the user that will have his service parameters replicated to all users
asynch (boolean) – Indicate if the bulk job has to be played in asynchronous (otherwise in synchronous mode). If not provided, the default is valeu is defined by the settings BULK_USER_SRV_ASYNCH with default value False.
Example synchronous response:
HTTP/1.1 207 Multi-Status Content-Type: "application/json" { "result": [ {"userId": "fooUser1@foo.com", "status": "updated"}, {"userId": "fooUser2@foo.com", "status": "failed", "code": 8, "message": "User not found"}, {"userId": "fooUser7@foo.com", "status": "failed", "code": 23, "message": "Service is not assigned to this subscriber."}, ] }
- Response JSON Object:
result (array) – a list of objects containing the user Id and the status of the update (‘updated’, ‘failed’). See User’s Service Update Result items for the definition of the objects in the array.
- Status Codes:
200 OK – request was fully processed in success
207 Multi Status – partial success (some users are updated, others not)
400 Bad Request – it failed for all users or at global level
Example asynchronous response:
HTTP/1.1 207 Multi-Status Content-Type: "application/json" { "asynchJobId": "9fdcde94-0311-4754-b348-4503904f7a7b" }
- Response JSON Object:
asynchJobId (string) – the id (UUID) of the job. It will be used to retrieve its status.
- Status Codes:
200 OK – request was fully processed in success
it failed at global level
- Concerning the global level, the following error cases are the most common:
2 (INVALID_PARAMETERS) : “This service is not, yet, supported by the bulk updates”
2 (INVALID_PARAMETERS) : “Must provide one, and only one, of ‘referenceUserId’ or ‘serviceData’.”
2 (INVALID_PARAMETERS) : “Must provide one, and only one, of ‘referenceUserId’ or ‘serviceData’.”
3 (JSON_SCHEMA_VALIDATION_ERROR): either at global level or for the serviceData.
8 (NOT_FOUND_AT_NE): the referenceUserId is not found
23 (SERVICE_NOT_ASSIGNED): the referenceUserId does not have the requested service assigned
- Concerning the user level, the following error cases are the most common:
8 (NOT_FOUND_AT_NE): the target user is not found
23 (SERVICE_NOT_ASSIGNED): the target user does not have the requested service assigned
2 (INVALID_PARAMETERS) : if the request is rejected due to some bas data that could not have been checked at json schema level (for example enabling CFA without providing a destination number will succeed for the target users who had already an destination number configured in their cfa and fail for the others)
any specific error linked to one of the service itself.
Supported services¶
- The following services are currently supported:
dnd: Do Not Disturb. See Update a user’s do not disturb
cfa: Call Forwarding Always (basic one without VoiceMail Support). See Update a user’s call forwarding always
cfb: Call Forwarding Busy (basic one without VoiceMail Support). See Update a user’s call forwarding busy
cfnr: Call Forwarding Not Reachable (basic one without VoiceMail Support). See Update a user’s call forwarding not reachable
clir: Calling Line id delivery blocking (basic one without VoiceMail Support). See Update a user’s calling line id delivery blocking
cfa_vm: Call Forwarding Always with VoiceMail Support. See Update a user’s call forwarding always with voice mail
cfb_vm: Call Forwarding Busy with VoiceMail Support. See Update a user’s call forwarding busy with voice mail
cfna_vm: Call Forwarding No Answer VoiceMail Support. See Update a user’s call forwarding no answer with voice mail
Objects definition¶
User’s Service Update Result items¶
Name |
Type |
Methods |
Description |
userId |
String |
A |
The User ID. |
status |
String |
A |
The resulting status of the operation: ‘updated’ or ‘failed’ |
code |
String |
O |
An error code if the operation has failed. See Error codes. |
message |
String |
O |
An optional message providing more information about the error. |