Tenant Pre Alerting Announcement¶
Display tenant’s pre alerting announcement¶
(string: tenant_id)/services/pre_announcement/
¶ Retrieve the settings of the Pre Alerting Announcement service of the tenant.
Authorization rights: minimum Tenant Admin.
Example request:
GET /api/v1/tenants/foo/services/pre_announcement/ HTTP/1.1 Host: example.com
Example response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: "application/json" { "announcementInterruption": "Not Allowed", "interruptionDigitSequence": "1111", "audioSelection": "File" "audioFile": { "description": "APIO Tenant Test Announcement" } }
- Response JSON Object:
announcementInterruption (string) – Specify the announcement interruption action behaviour. A value from list: “Not Allowed”, “Any Digit”, “Digit Sequence”
interruptionDigitSequence (string) – The digit sequence for the announcement interruption.
audioSelection (string) – The audio announcement selection. A value from list: “File”, “Default”.
audioFile (object) – An object as defined in Tenant Announcement attributes.
- Status Codes:
200 OK – no error
Update a tenant’s pre alerting announcement¶
(string: tenant_id)/services/pre_announcement/
¶ Update the settings of the Pre Alerting Announcement service of the tenant.
Authorization rights: minimum Tenant Admin.
Example request:
PUT /api/v1/tenants/foo/groups/foogroup/services/pre_announcement/ HTTP/1.1 Host: example.com Content-Type: "application/json" { "announcementInterruption": "Not Allowed", "interruptionDigitSequence": "1111", "audioSelection": "File" "audioFile": { "description": "APIO Tenant Test Announcement", "content": "UklGRoY7AQBXQVZFZm10IBAAAAABAAEAgD4AAAB9AAACABAATElTVBoAAABJTkZPSVNGVA4AAABMYXZmNTkuMTY" } }
- Request JSON Object:
announcementInterruption (string) – (Optional) Specify the announcement interruption action behaviour. A value from list: “Not Allowed”, “Any Digit”, “Digit Sequence”
interruptionDigitSequence (string) – (Conditional) The digit sequence for the announcement interruption. It is mandatory when announcementInterruption is set to “Digit Sequence” and no sequence has been already configured.
audioSelection (string) – (Optional) The audio announcement selection. A value from list: “File”, “Default”. If “File” is selected, an audioFile must be specified.
audioFile (object) – (Conditional) An object as defined in Tenant Announcement attributes or an empty string to unassign the announcement. It is mandatory when audioSelection is set to “File” and no file has been already configured.
It is important to note that this feature is not integrated with the Announcements Repository, meaning that the announcement must be direclty uploaded here and can not be re-used elsewhere.
Example response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
- statuscode 200:
no error
- statuscode 400:
invalid request due to invalid parameters, with possible sub error codes:
9 MISSING_CONDITIONAL_PARAMETERS, ‘It is mandatory to provide the interruptionDigitSequence when “Digit Sequence” is selected as announcement interruption.’.
9 MISSING_CONDITIONAL_PARAMETERS, ‘It is mandatory to provide the audioFile when “File” is selected as audioSelection.’.
65 TOO_LARGE, ‘Audio file size is larger than the maximum size allowed’
Configuration Information¶
The APIO behaviour is controlled by the following settings:
- With following parameters:
AUDIO_TOO_LARGE_FALLBACK_OLD_MODE: If the AS rejects the file because it is too big, the system will try to upload it again using the legacy file format that has lower quality but is smaller. Default is true.