User Communication Barring Authorization Codes¶
List all authorization codes for the Enduser¶
(string: tenant_id)/groups/
(string: group_id)/users/
(string: user_id)/services/outgoing_call_barring/codes/
¶ List all authorization codes for the Enduser.
Authorization rights: minimum End User.
Example request:
GET /api/v1/tenants/footenant/groups/foogroup/users/foouser/services/outgoing_call_barring/codes/ HTTP/1.1 Host:
Example response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: "application/json" { "authCodes": [ { "code": "01", "description": "test_code_01" }, { "code": "02", "description": "test_code_02" } ] }
- Response JSON Object:
authCodes (array) – a list of objects as defined as Group communication barring authorization code list attributes.
- Status Codes:
200 OK – no error
Create a list of authorization codes for the Enduser¶
(string: tenant_id)/groups/
(string: group_id)/users/
(string: user_id)/services/outgoing_call_barring/codes/
¶ Create a list of authorization codes for the Enduser.
Authorization rights: minimum Group Admin.
Example request:
POST /api/v1/tenants/footenant/groups/foogroup/users/foouser/services/outgoing_call_barring/codes/ HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Type: "application/json" { "authCodes": [ { "code": "03", "description": "test_code_03" }, { "code": "04", "description": "test_code_04" } ] }
- Request JSON Object:
authCodes (array) – a list of objects as defined as Group communication barring authorization code list attributes.
Example response:
HTTP/1.1 201 CREATED Content-Type: "application/json" {}
- Status Codes:
201 Created – no error.
400 Bad Request – bad request due to invalid parameters or already existent code instance
Create an authorization code for the Enduser¶
(string: tenant_id)/groups/
(string: group_id)/users/
(string: user_id)/services/outgoing_call_barring/codes/
¶ Create an authorization code for the Enduser.
Authorization rights: minimum Group Admin.
Example request:
POST /api/v1/tenants/footenant/groups/foogroup/users/foouser/services/outgoing_call_barring/codes/ HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Type: "application/json" { "code": "03", "description": "test_code_03" }
- Request JSON Object:
code (string) – see code from Group communication barring authorization code list attributes.
description (string) – (Optional) see description from Group communication barring authorization code list attributes.
Example response:
HTTP/1.1 201 CREATED Content-Type: "application/json" {}
- Status Codes:
201 Created – no error.
400 Bad Request – bad request due to invalid parameters or already existent code instance.
Get an authorization code for the Enduser¶
(string: tenant_id)/groups/
(string: group_id)/users/
(string: user_id)/services/outgoing_call_barring/codes/
(string: instance_name)/
¶ Get an authorization code for the Enduser.
Authorization rights: minimum End User.
Example request:
GET /api/v1/tenants/footenant/groups/foogroup/users/foouser/services/outgoing_call_barring/codes/fooCode/ HTTP/1.1 Host:
Example response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: "application/json" { "code": "01", "description": "test_code_01" }
- Response JSON Object:
code (string) – see code from Group communication barring authorization code list attributes.
description (string) – see description from Group communication barring authorization code list attributes.
- Status Codes:
200 OK – no error
404 Not Found – authorization code not found for the user
Remove a list of authorization codes from a User¶
(string: tenant_id)/groups/
(string: group_id)/users/
(string: user_id)/services/outgoing_call_barring/codes/
¶ Remove a list of authorization codes from a User.
Authorization rights: minimum Group Admin.
Example request:
DELETE /api/v1/tenants/footenant/groups/foogroup/users/foouser/services/outgoing_call_barring/codes/ HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Type: "application/json" { "authCodes": [ { "code": "01" }, { "code": "02" } ] }
- Request JSON Object:
authCodes (array) – a list of objects as defined as Group communication barring authorization code list attributes.
Example response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: "application/json" {}
- Status Codes:
200 OK – no error. Note that trying to delete an authorization code that is not present in the group will not generate an error
400 Bad Request – bad request due to invalid parameters
Remove an authorization code from a User¶
(string: tenant_id)/groups/
(string: group_id)/users/
(string: user_id)/services/outgoing_call_barring/codes/
(string: instance_name)/
¶ Remove an authorization code from a User.
Authorization rights: minimum Group Admin.
Example request:
DELETE /api/v1/tenants/footenant/groups/foogroup/users/foouser/services/outgoing_call_barring/codes/fooCode/ HTTP/1.1 Host:
Example response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: "application/json" {}
- Status Codes:
200 OK – no error. Note that trying to delete an authorization code that is not present in the group will not generate an error