Call Processing Policies¶
Display the call processing policies at User level¶
(string: tenant_id)/groups/
(string: group_id)/users/
(string: user_id)/services/call_processing_policies/
¶ Example request:
GET /api/v1/tenants/foo/groups/foogroup/users/foouser/services/call_processing_policies/ HTTP/1.1 Host:
Example response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: "application/json" { "useUserCLIDSetting": false, "useUserMediaSetting": false, "useUserCallLimitsSetting": false, "useUserDCLIDSetting": false, "useMaxSimultaneousCalls": true, "maxSimultaneousCalls": 5, "useMaxSimultaneousVideoCalls": true, "maxSimultaneousVideoCalls": false, "maxCallTimeForAnsweredCallsMinutes": 1440, "useMaxCallTimeForUnansweredCalls": false, "maxCallTimeForUnansweredCallsMinutes": 2, "mediaPolicySelection": "No Restrictions", "useMaxConcurrentRedirectedCalls": true, "maxConcurrentRedirectedCalls": 5, "useMaxFindMeFollowMeDepth": true, "maxFindMeFollowMeDepth": 2, "maxRedirectionDepth": 5, "useMaxConcurrentFindMeFollowMeInvocations": true, "maxConcurrentFindMeFollowMeInvocations": 2, "clidPolicy": "Use DN", "emergencyClidPolicy": "Use DN", "allowAlternateNumbersForRedirectingIdentity": true, "useGroupName": false, "blockCallingNameForExternalCalls": false, "enableDialableCallerID": false, "allowConfigurableCLIDForRedirectingIdentity": true, "allowDepartmentCLIDNameOverride": false, "useUserPhoneListLookupSetting": false, "enablePhoneListLookup": false, }
- Response JSON Object:
useUserCLIDSetting (boolean) – controls the CLID settings.
clidPolicy (string) – the calling line ID policy for external calls. Relevant only if useUserCLIDSetting is set to true.
emergencyClidPolicy (string) – the calling line ID policy for Emergency Calls. Relevant only if useUserCLIDSetting is set to true.
allowConfigurableCLIDForRedirectingIdentity (boolean) – Present the configurable CLID of the user in redirected calls. Relevant only if useUserCLIDSetting is set to true.
allowAlternateNumbersForRedirectingIdentity (boolean) – If the user was called on his alternate identity then the alternate number is used as the redirecting identity. Relevant only if useUserCLIDSetting is set to true.
blockCallingNameForExternalCalls (boolean) – Prevent the system from sending the user’s calling name when the user makes an external call. Relevant only if useUserCLIDSetting is set to true.
useGroupName (boolean) – use group name as CLID Name. Relevant only if useUserCLIDSetting is set to true.
allowDepartmentCLIDNameOverride (boolean) – allow the Department CLID Name Override. Relevant only if useGroupName is set to true.
useUserMediaSetting (boolean) – controls the Media settings.
mediaPolicySelection (string) – the Media policy configured. Relevant only if useUserMediaSetting is set to true.
supportedMediaSetName (string) – the particular supported media in case this mode is enabled. Relevant only if useUserMediaSetting is set to true and if mediaPolicySelection is set to “Use Supported Media Set”.
useUserCallLimitsSetting (boolean) – controls the Call Limits setting.
useMaxSimultaneousCalls (boolean) – the maximum number of concurrent calls check is enabled. Relevant only if useUserCallLimitsSetting is set to true.
maxSimultaneousCalls (integer) – the maximum number of concurrent calls if enabled. Relevant only if useUserCallLimitsSetting is set to true.
useMaxSimultaneousVideoCalls (boolean) – the maximum number of concurrent video calls check is enabled. Relevant only if useUserCallLimitsSetting is set to true.
maxSimultaneousVideoCalls (integer) – the maximum number of concurrent video calls if enabled. Relevant only if useUserCallLimitsSetting is set to true.
useMaxCallTimeForAnsweredCalls (boolean) – the maximum duration for answered calls check is enabled. Relevant only if useUserCallLimitsSetting is set to true.
maxCallTimeForAnsweredCallsMinutes (integer) – the maximum duration for answered calls if enabled. Relevant only if useUserCallLimitsSetting is set to true.
useMaxCallTimeForUnansweredCalls (boolean) – the maximum duration for unanswered calls check is enabled. Relevant only if useUserCallLimitsSetting is set to true.
maxCallTimeForUnansweredCallsMinutes (integer) – the maximum duration for unanswered calls if enabled. Relevant only if useUserCallLimitsSetting is set to true.
useMaxConcurrentRedirectedCalls (boolean) – to enable the maximum number for concurrent redirected calls check is enabled. Relevant only if useUserCallLimitsSetting is set to true.
maxConcurrentRedirectedCalls (integer) – the maximum number for concurrent redirected calls if enabled. Relevant only if useUserCallLimitsSetting is set to true.
useMaxConcurrentFindMeFollowMeInvocations (boolean) – the maximum number of concurrent Find Me/Follow Me invocations check is enabled. Relevant only if useUserCallLimitsSetting is set to true.
maxConcurrentFindMeFollowMeInvocations (integer) – the maximum number of concurrent Find Me/Follow Me invocations if enabled. Relevant only if useUserCallLimitsSetting is set to true.
useMaxFindMeFollowMeDepth (boolean) – the maximum number for the Find Me/Follow me depth check is enabled. Relevant only if useUserCallLimitsSetting is set to true.
maxFindMeFollowMeDepth (integer) – the maximum number for the Find Me/Follow me depth if enabled. Relevant only if useUserCallLimitsSetting is set to true.
maxRedirectionDepth (integer) – the maximum redirection depth. Relevant only if useUserCallLimitsSetting is set to true.
useUserDCLIDSetting (boolean) – controls the Dialable Caller ID settings.
enableDialableCallerID (boolean) – enable the Dialable Caller ID. Relevant only if useUserDCLIDSetting is set to true.
useUserPhoneListLookupSetting (boolean) – controls whether or not to use the group setting for the Phone List Lookup policy.
enablePhoneListLookup (boolean) – enable the Phone List Lookup. Relevant only if useUserPhoneListLookupSetting is set to true.
- Status Codes:
200 OK – no error
Update the call processing policies at User level¶
(string: tenant_id)/groups/
(string: group_id)/users/
(string: user_id)/services/call_processing_policies/
¶ Example request:
PUT /api/v1/tenants/foo/groups/foogroup/users/foouser/services/call_processing_policies/ HTTP/1.1 Host:
- Request JSON Object:
useUserCLIDSetting (boolean) – (Optional) controls the CLID settings.
clidPolicy (string) – (Optional) the calling line ID policy for external calls. Value comes from list: “Use DN”,”Use Configurable CLID”,”Use Group CLID”. Relevant only if useUserCLIDSetting is set to true.
emergencyClidPolicy (string) – (Optional) the calling line ID policy for Emergency Calls. Value comes from list: “Use DN”,”Use Configurable CLID”,”Use Group CLID”. Relevant only if useUserCLIDSetting is set to true.
allowAlternateNumbersForRedirectingIdentity (boolean) – (Optional) If the user was called on his alternate identity then the alternate number is used as the redirecting identity. Relevant only if useUserCLIDSetting is set to true.
allowConfigurableCLIDForRedirectingIdentity (boolean) – (Optional) Present the configurable CLID of the user in redirected calls. Relevant only if useUserCLIDSetting is set to true.
blockCallingNameForExternalCalls (boolean) – (Optional) Prevent the system from sending the user’s calling name when the user makes an external call. Relevant only if useUserCLIDSetting is set to true.
useGroupName (boolean) – (Optional) use group name as CLID Name. Relevant only if useUserCLIDSetting is set to true.
allowDepartmentCLIDNameOverride (boolean) – (Optional) allow the Department CLID Name Override. Relevant only if useGroupName is set to true.
useUserMediaSetting (boolean) – (Optional) controls the Media settings.
mediaPolicySelection (string) – (Optional) the Media policy configured. Value comes from list: “Use Uncompressed Codec”,”Use Supported Media Set”,”No Restrictions”. Relevant only if useUserMediaSetting is set to true.
supportedMediaSetName (string) – (Optional) the particular supported media in case this mode is enabled. Relevant only if useUserMediaSetting is set to true and if mediaPolicySelection is set to “Use Supported Media Set”.
useUserCallLimitsSetting (boolean) – (Optional) controls the Call Limits setting.
useMaxSimultaneousCalls (boolean) – (Optional) the maximum number of concurrent calls check is enabled. Relevant only if useUserCallLimitsSetting is set to true.
maxSimultaneousCalls (integer) – (Optional) the maximum number of concurrent calls if enabled. Value from range 1 - 999999. Relevant only if useUserCallLimitsSetting is set to true.
useMaxSimultaneousVideoCalls (boolean) – (Optional) the maximum number of concurrent video calls check is enabled. Relevant only if useUserCallLimitsSetting is set to true.
maxSimultaneousVideoCalls (integer) – (Optional) the maximum number of concurrent video calls if enabled. Value from range 1 - 999999. Relevant only if useUserCallLimitsSetting is set to true.
useMaxCallTimeForAnsweredCalls (boolean) – (Optional) the maximum duration for answered calls check is enabled. Relevant only if useUserCallLimitsSetting is set to true.
maxCallTimeForAnsweredCallsMinutes (integer) – (Optional) the maximum duration for answered calls if enabled. Value from range 3 - 2880. Relevant only if useUserCallLimitsSetting is set to true.
useMaxCallTimeForUnansweredCalls (boolean) – (Optional) the maximum duration for unanswered calls check is enabled. Relevant only if useUserCallLimitsSetting is set to true.
maxCallTimeForUnansweredCallsMinutes (integer) – (Optional) the maximum duration for unanswered calls if enabled. Value from range 3 - 2880. Relevant only if useUserCallLimitsSetting is set to true.
useMaxConcurrentRedirectedCalls (boolean) – (Optional) to enable the maximum number for concurrent redirected calls check is enabled. Relevant only if useUserCallLimitsSetting is set to true.
maxConcurrentRedirectedCalls (integer) – (Optional) the maximum number for concurrent redirected calls if enabled. Value from range 1 - 999999. Relevant only if useUserCallLimitsSetting is set to true.
useMaxConcurrentFindMeFollowMeInvocations (boolean) – (Optional) the maximum number of concurrent Find Me/Follow Me invocations check is enabled. Relevant only if useUserCallLimitsSetting is set to true.
maxConcurrentFindMeFollowMeInvocations (integer) – (Optional) the maximum number of concurrent Find Me/Follow Me invocations if enabled. Value from range 1 - 999999. Relevant only if useUserCallLimitsSetting is set to true.
useMaxFindMeFollowMeDepth (boolean) – (Optional) the maximum number for the Find Me/Follow me depth check is enabled. Relevant only if useUserCallLimitsSetting is set to true.
maxFindMeFollowMeDepth (integer) – (Optional) the maximum number for the Find Me/Follow me depth if enabled. Value from range 1 - 100. Relevant only if useUserCallLimitsSetting is set to true.
maxRedirectionDepth (integer) – (Optional) the maximum redirection depth.
useUserDCLIDSetting (boolean) – (Optional) controls the Dialable Caller ID settings.
enableDialableCallerID (boolean) – (Optional) enable the Dialable Caller ID. Relevant only if useUserDCLIDSetting is set to true.
useUserPhoneListLookupSetting (boolean) – (Optional) controls whether or not to use the group setting for the Phone List Lookup policy
enablePhoneListLookup (boolean) – (Optional) enable the Phone List Lookup. Relevant only if useUserDCLIDSetting is set to true.
Example response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: "application/json" {}
- Status Codes:
200 OK – no error