Can Edit End User Properties

Several properties of the End User Profile are used to build other properties or to synch with other network elements.

In that context, modifying one of the them could break the E2E integration.

Check if phone number, email address and outgoing cli can be edited

GET /api/v1/tenants/(string: tenant_id)/groups/(string: group_id)/users/(string: user_id)/properties/can_edit_profile_properties/

Based on configuration parameters (see below) this API will check if the phone number, the email address and the outgoing cli of an End User can be edited.

More precisely it will return for each property:
  • if based ont the checks the APIO did, it can not be removed (set to empty string)

  • if based ont the checks the APIO did, it can not be edited (set to a non-empty string)

This API could be intercepted by project specific workflow to add in this workflow, additional checks that are project specific.

It must be noted that this API could need to check many items, making it quite resources consuming.

Authorization rights: minimum Group Admin.

Example request:

GET /api/v1/tenants/foo/groups/foogroup/users/foouser/properties/can_edit_profile_properties/ HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: "application/json"


Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: "application/json"

   "canNotEditPhoneNumber": true,
   "canNotRemovePhoneNumber": true
   "canNotEditEmail": false,
   "canNotRemoveEmail": true
   "canNotEditOutgoingCli": false,
   "canNotRemoveOutgoingCli": false
Response JSON Object:
  • canNotEditPhoneNumber (boolean) – If true it means that based on the check done, it ios not allowed to edit the phone number (set a new phone number).

  • canNotRemovePhoneNumber (boolean) – If true it means that based on the check done, it is not allowed to remove the phone number (set it to empty string).

  • canNotEditEmail (boolean) – If true it means that based on the check done, it ios not allowed to edit the email address (set a new email address).

  • canNotRemoveEmail (boolean) – If true it means that based on the check done, it is not allowed to remove the email address (set it to empty string).

  • canNotEditOutgoingCli (boolean) – If true it means that based on the check done, it ios not allowed to edit the outgoing cli (set a new outgoing cli).

  • canNotRemoveOutgoingCli (boolean) – If true it means that based on the check done, it is not allowed to remove the outgoing cli (set it to outgoing cli).

Status Codes:

The configuration and the logic of the checks

The APIO behaviour is controlled by the following settings (default values are showed):

    "NUMBER_TEAMS": true,
    "NUMBER_DEVICE_RULE": false,
    "NUMBER_USERID_RULE": false,
    "EMAIL_WEBEX": false,
Explanation for the parameters:
  • NUMBER_TEAMS: if enabled and if a DR_SBC_DEVICE is defined it will check if the user has a Teams service pack. If it is the case it will be checked if the end user has already a phone number. If it is the case canNotEditPhoneNumber and canNotRemovePhoneNumber will be set to true.

  • NUMBER_DEVICE_RULE: if enabled and if a rule USER_MAIN_DEVICE_NAME is defined it will check if the phon number is present in the rule. If it is the case it will check if the end user has already a phone number. If it is the case canNotEditPhoneNumber and canNotRemovePhoneNumber will be set to true.

  • NUMBER_USERID_RULE: if enabled and if a rule USER_ID_RULE is defined, it will check if the phone number is present in the rule. If it is the case it will check if the end user has already a phone number. If it is the case canNotEditPhoneNumber and canNotRemovePhoneNumber will be set to true.

  • EMAIL_WEBEX: if enabled it will check if the user has a Webex service pack. In that case it will check if the user has already an email defined. If it is the case canNotRemoveEmail will be set to true. canNotEditEmail will also be set to true if EMAIL_WEBEX_NO_EDIT is true

There is not yet a possibility to ask a specific check in the input data. But if needed by some projects it could be added in the future.