Pincode rules¶
Retrieve pincode rules¶
¶ Retrieve all the security rules that a pincode should follow for the users in this System.
Authorization rights: minimum System Admin.
Example request:
GET /api/v1/system/passcode_rules/ HTTP/1.1 Host: {}
Example response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: "application/json" { "disallowRepeatedDigits": true, "numberOfRepeatedDigits": 1, "disallowRepeatedPatterns": false, "disallowContiguousSequences": false, "numberOfAscendingDigits": 3, "numberOfDescendingDigits": 3, "disallowUserNumber": true, "disallowReversedUserNumber": true, "disallowOldPasscode": false, "numberOfPreviousPasscodes": 1, "disallowReversedOldPasscode": false, "minCodeLength": 4, "maxCodeLength": 8, "disableLoginAfterMaxFailedLoginAttempts": true, "maxFailedLoginAttempts": 5, "expirePassword": true, "passcodeExpiresDays": 30, "sendLoginDisabledNotifyEmail": false, "loginDisabledNotifyEmailAddress": "", "defaultPassword": "0000" }
- Request JSON Object:
disallowRepeatedDigits (boolean) – if enabled prevents repeated digits in the pincode. The maximum amount is defied by numberOfRepeatedDigits.
numberOfRepeatedDigits (integer) – the amount of repeated digits that are allowed.
disallowRepeatedPatterns (boolean) – if enabled prevents repeated patterns in the pincode.
disallowContiguousSequences (boolean) – if enabled prevents contiguous sequences of ascending digits (the amount is defined by numberOfAscendingDigits) and descending digits (the amount is defined by numberOfDescendingDigits).
numberOfAscendingDigits (integer) – the amount of allowed ascending digits.
numberOfDescendingDigits (integer) – the amount of allowed descending digits.
disallowUserNumber (boolean) – if enabled prevents to use the phone number or the extension of the user as pincode.
disallowReversedUserNumber (boolean) – if enabled prevents to use the revers of the phone number or the extension of the user as pincode.
disallowOldPasscode (boolean) – if enabled prevents to use old pincodes.
numberOfPreviousPasscodes (integer) – the amount of old pincodes to check to.
disallowReversedOldPasscode (boolean) – if enabled prevents to use the revers of old pincodes
minCodeLength (integer) – is the minimum length of the pincode.
maxCodeLength (integer) – is the maximum length of the pincode.
disableLoginAfterMaxFailedLoginAttempts (boolean) – if enabled prevents the user to login after failed logins.
maxFailedLoginAttempts (integer) – the amount of failing login before block the access.
expirePassword (boolean) – if enabled, then the pincode will expire.
passcodeExpiresDays (integer) – the amount of days the pincode will last.
sendLoginDisabledNotifyEmail (boolean) – if enabled it will send a notification email on disabled login.
loginDisabledNotifyEmailAddress (string) – the email address to send the notification email.
defaultPassword (string) – the default pincode if none has been provided
- Status Codes:
200 OK – no error
Update pincode rules¶
¶ Update all the security rules that a pincode should follow for the users in this System.
Authorization rights: minimum System Admin.
Template Actions: this end point is available as template action under the name group_passcode_rules
Example request:
PUT /api/v1/system/passcode_rules/ HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Type: "application/json" { "numberOfRepeatedDigits": 4, "numberOfAscendingDigits": 3, "numberOfDescendingDigits": 4, "minCodeLength": 6, "maxCodeLength": 12 }
- Response JSON Object:
disallowRepeatedDigits (boolean) – if enabled prevents repeated digits in the pincode. The maximum amount is defied by numberOfRepeatedDigits.
numberOfRepeatedDigits (integer) – the amount of repeated digits that are allowed.
disallowRepeatedPatterns (boolean) – if enabled prevents repeated patterns in the pincode.
disallowContiguousSequences (boolean) – if enabled prevents contiguous sequences of ascending digits (the amount is defined by numberOfAscendingDigits) and descending digits (the amount is defined by numberOfDescendingDigits).
numberOfAscendingDigits (integer) – the amount of allowed ascending digits.
numberOfDescendingDigits (integer) – the amount of allowed descending digits.
disallowUserNumber (boolean) – if enabled prevents to use the phone number or the extension of the user as pincode.
disallowReversedUserNumber (boolean) – if enabled prevents to use the revers of the phone number or the extension of the user as pincode.
disallowOldPasscode (boolean) – if enabled prevents to use old pincodes.
numberOfPreviousPasscodes (integer) – the amount of old pincodes to check to.
disallowReversedOldPasscode (boolean) – if enabled prevents to use the revers of old pincodes
minCodeLength (integer) – is the minimum length of the pincode.
maxCodeLength (integer) – is the maximum length of the pincode.
disableLoginAfterMaxFailedLoginAttempts (boolean) – if enabled prevents the user to login after failed logins.
maxFailedLoginAttempts (integer) – the amount of failing login before block the access.
expirePassword (boolean) – if enabled, then the pincode will expire.
passcodeExpiresDays (integer) – the amount of days the pincode will last.
sendLoginDisabledNotifyEmail (boolean) – if enabled it will send a notification email on disabled login.
loginDisabledNotifyEmailAddress (string) – the email address to send the notification email.
defaultPassword (string) – the default pincode if none has been provided
Example response:
- Response:
Similar to GET instance method response.
- Status Codes:
200 OK – no error
400 Bad Request – error in the input data, most probably due to incorrect values.