Call Processing Policy¶
Retrieve configuration¶
(string: tenant_id)/groups/
(string: group_id)/call_processing_policy/
¶ Retrieve the details of the call processing policy of a group.
Example request:
GET /api/v1/tenants/foo/groups/foogroup/call_processing_policy/ HTTP/1.1 Host:
Example response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: "application/json" { "useGroupName": false, "allowDepartmentCLIDNameOverride": false, "clidPolicy": "Use DN", "groupCallsCLIDPolicy": "Use Extension", "emergencyClidPolicy": "Use DN", "allowAlternateNumbersForRedirectingIdentity": true, "allowConfigurableCLIDForRedirectingIdentity": true, "blockCallingNameForExternalCalls": false, "useGroupMediaSetting": false, "mediaPolicySelection": "No Restrictions", "useGroupCallLimitsSetting": false, "useMaxSimultaneousCalls": false, "maxSimultaneousCalls": 10, "useMaxSimultaneousVideoCalls": false, "maxSimultaneousVideoCalls": 5, "useMaxCallTimeForAnsweredCalls": false, "maxCallTimeForAnsweredCallsMinutes": 600, "useMaxCallTimeForUnansweredCalls": false, "maxCallTimeForUnansweredCallsMinutes": 3, "useMaxConcurrentRedirectedCalls": false, "maxConcurrentRedirectedCalls": 3, "useMaxFindMeFollowMeDepth": false, "maxFindMeFollowMeDepth": 3, "maxRedirectionDepth": 10, "useMaxConcurrentFindMeFollowMeInvocations": false, "maxConcurrentFindMeFollowMeInvocations": 3, "useGroupTranslationRoutingSetting": false, "networkUsageSelection": "Do Not Force Enterprise and Group Calls", "enforceGroupCallingLineIdentityRestriction": false, "useEnterpriseCLIDForPrivateCallCategory": false, "enableEnterpriseExtensionDialing": true, "allowEnterpriseGroupCallTypingForPrivateDialingPlan": false, "allowEnterpriseGroupCallTypingForPublicDialingPlan": false, "overrideCLIDRestrictionForPrivateCallCategory": false, "useGroupDCLIDSetting": false, "enableDialableCallerID": false, "enterpriseCallsCLIDPolicy": "Use External Calls Policy", "useGroupPhoneListLookupSetting": false, "enablePhoneListLookup": false }
- Response JSON Object:
useGroupName (boolean) – to use the group’s name instead of the user’s name.
allowDepartmentCLIDNameOverride (boolean) – to set the department’s name instead of the group’s name. Relevant only if useGroupName is set to true.
useGroupCLIDSetting (boolean) – to use the policy that you are currently defining for the group. As default, it will be used the policy defined for the Tenant instead.
clidPolicy (string) – configure the calling line ID. Relevant only if useGroupCLIDSetting is set to true.
enterpriseCallsCLIDPolicy (string) – configure the calling line ID for Enterprise Calls, for an enterprise group only. Relevant only if useGroupCLIDSetting is set to true.
groupCallsCLIDPolicy (string) – configure the calling line ID for Group Calls. Relevant only if useGroupCLIDSetting is set to true.
emergencyClidPolicy (string) – configure the calling line ID for Emergency Calls. Relevant only if useGroupCLIDSetting is set to true.
allowAlternateNumbersForRedirectingIdentity (boolean) – When a call, that was terminated at a user’s alternate number, is redirected this option controls whether or not the alternate number is used as the redirecting identity. When this option is selected, the alternate number is used as the redirecting identity (provided the Calling Line ID policy is configured to send the user’s directory number as the calling line identity). When this option is not selected, the alternate number is not used as the redirecting identity and the user’s directory number is used instead, (as determined by the effective Calling Line ID policy). Relevant only if useGroupCLIDSetting is set to true.
allowConfigurableCLIDForRedirectingIdentity (boolean) – this policy controls the redirecting number present in the Diversion/History-Info header field. Relevant only if useGroupCLIDSetting is set to true.
allowMobileDNForRedirectingIdentity (boolean) – this policy controls the usage of the mobile number as redirecting identity present in the Diversion/History-Info header field. Relevant only if useGroupCLIDSetting is set to true. (from AS rel 23)
blockCallingNameForExternalCalls (boolean) – the Calling Line ID policy can be configured to prevent the system from sending the user’s calling name when the user makes an external call. Relevant only if useGroupCLIDSetting is set to true.
useUserPhoneNumberForGroupCallsWhenInternalCLIDUnavailable (boolean) – Use the User’s Phone Number for Group Calls when the Internal CLID is Unavailable. Relevant only if useGroupCLIDSetting is set to true. (from AS rel 22)
useUserPhoneNumberForEnterpriseCallsWhenInternalCLIDUnavailable (boolean) – Use the User’s Phone Number for Enterprise Calls when the Internal CLID is Unavailable. Relevant only if useGroupCLIDSetting is set to true and if in Enterprise model. (from AS rel 22)
useGroupMediaSetting (boolean) – to use the policy that you are currently defining for the group. As default, it will be used the policy defined for the Tenant instead.
mediaPolicySelection (string) – to configure the Media policy codec. Relevant only if useGroupMediaSetting is set to true.
supportedMediaSetName (string) – to select a particular supported media. Relevant only if useGroupMediaSetting is set to true.
useGroupCallLimitsSetting (boolean) – to use the policy that you are currently defining for the group or the tenant.
useMaxSimultaneousCalls (boolean) – to enable the maximum number of concurrent calls. Relevant only if useGroupCallLimitsSetting is set to true.
maxSimultaneousCalls (integer) – to set the maximum number of concurrent calls. Relevant only if useGroupCallLimitsSetting is set to true.
useMaxSimultaneousVideoCalls (boolean) – to enable the maximum number of concurrent video calls. Relevant only if useGroupCallLimitsSetting is set to true.
maxSimultaneousVideoCalls (integer) – to set the maximum number of concurrent video calls. Relevant only if useGroupCallLimitsSetting is set to true.
useMaxCallTimeForAnsweredCalls (boolean) – to enable the maximum duration for answered calls. Relevant only if useGroupCallLimitsSetting is set to true.
maxCallTimeForAnsweredCallsMinutes (integer) – to set the maximum duration for answered calls. Relevant only if useGroupCallLimitsSetting is set to true.
useMaxCallTimeForUnansweredCalls (boolean) – to enable the maximum duration for unanswered calls. Relevant only if useGroupCallLimitsSetting is set to true.
maxCallTimeForUnansweredCallsMinutes (integer) – to set the maximum duration for unanswered calls. Relevant only if useGroupCallLimitsSetting is set to true.
useMaxConcurrentRedirectedCalls (boolean) – to enable the maximum number for concurrent redirected calls. Relevant only if useGroupCallLimitsSetting is set to true.
maxConcurrentRedirectedCalls (integer) – to set the maximum number for concurrent redirected calls. Relevant only if useGroupCallLimitsSetting is set to true.
useMaxConcurrentFindMeFollowMeInvocations (boolean) – to enable the maximum number of concurrent Find Me/Follow Me invocations. Relevant only if useGroupCallLimitsSetting is set to true.
maxConcurrentFindMeFollowMeInvocations (integer) – to set the maximum number of concurrent Find Me/Follow Me invocations. Relevant only if useGroupCallLimitsSetting is set to true.
useMaxFindMeFollowMeDepth (boolean) – to enable the maximum number for the Find Me/Follow me depth. Relevant only if useGroupCallLimitsSetting is set to true.
maxFindMeFollowMeDepth (integer) – to set the maximum number for the Find Me/Follow me depth. Relevant only if useGroupCallLimitsSetting is set to true.
includeRedirectionsInMaximumNumberOfConcurrentCalls (boolean) – Include Redirections in teh count for Maximum Number of Concurrent Calls . Relevant only if useGroupCallLimitsSetting is set to true. (from AS rel 22)
useMaxConcurrentTerminatingAlertingRequests (boolean) – to enable the maximum concurrent terminating alerting requests. Relevant only if useGroupCallLimitsSetting is set to true. (from AS rel 22)
maxConcurrentTerminatingAlertingRequests (integer) – to set the maximum number for the Find Me/Follow me depth. Relevant only if useGroupCallLimitsSetting is set to true. (from AS rel 22)
maxRedirectionDepth (integer) – to set the number for maximum redirection depth. Relevant only if useGroupCallLimitsSetting is set to true.
useGroupTranslationRoutingSetting (boolean) – to use the policy that you are currently defining for the group or the tenant.
networkUsageSelection (string) – this policy allows an administrator to force all calls to route via the network interface on a tenant or group basis. Relevant only if useGroupTranslationRoutingSetting is set to true.
enforceGroupCallingLineIdentityRestriction (boolean) – to forces the group’s calling line ID restrictions. Relevant only if useGroupTranslationRoutingSetting is set to true.
useEnterpriseCLIDForPrivateCallCategory (boolean) – to use the policy that you are currently defining for the the tenant. Relevant only if useGroupTranslationRoutingSetting is set to true.
enableEnterpriseExtensionDialing (boolean) – configure the calling line ID for Emergency Calls. Relevant only if useGroupTranslationRoutingSetting is set to true.
allowEnterpriseGroupCallTypingForPrivateDialingPlan (boolean) – this feature allows group calls to be routed internally within the Application Server if the destination is hosted on the same Application Server, and if the Network Server used a Private Dialing Plan routing policy. Relevant only if useGroupTranslationRoutingSetting is set to true.
allowEnterpriseGroupCallTypingForPublicDialingPlan (boolean) – this feature allows group calls to be routed internally within the Application Server if the destination is hosted on the same Application Server, and if the Network Server used a Public Dialing Plan routing policy. Relevant only if useGroupTranslationRoutingSetting is set to true.
overrideCLIDRestrictionForPrivateCallCategory (boolean) – this feature allows you to override the Calling Line Identity restrictions when the Network Server returns a contact via its private dialing plan whether the destination is part of the same enterprise as the caller or not. Relevant only if useGroupTranslationRoutingSetting is set to true.
useGroupDCLIDSetting (boolean) – to use the policy that you are currently defining for the group. As default, it will be used the policy defined for the Tenant instead.
enableDialableCallerID (boolean) – enable the use of dialable caller ID for the group. Relevant only if useGroupDCLIDSetting is set to true.
useGroupPhoneListLookupSetting (boolean) – (Optional) set the use the Phone List Lookup at group level.
enablePhoneListLookup (boolean) – (Optional) enable the Phone List Lookup for the group. Relevant only if useGroupPhoneListLookupSetting is set to true.
- Status Codes:
200 OK – no error.
404 Not Found – service not assigned.
Update configuration¶
(string: tenant_id)/groups/
(string: group_id)/call_processing_policy/
¶ Update the configuration of the call processing policy of a group.
Example request:
PUT /api/v1/tenants/foo/groups/foogroup/call_processing_policy/ HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Type: "application/json" { "useGroupName": false, "allowDepartmentCLIDNameOverride": false, "clidPolicy": "Use DN", "groupCallsCLIDPolicy": "Use Extension", "emergencyClidPolicy": "Use DN", "allowAlternateNumbersForRedirectingIdentity": true, "allowConfigurableCLIDForRedirectingIdentity": true, "blockCallingNameForExternalCalls": false, "useGroupMediaSetting": false, "mediaPolicySelection": "No Restrictions", "useGroupCallLimitsSetting": false, "useMaxSimultaneousCalls": false, "maxSimultaneousCalls": 20, "useMaxSimultaneousVideoCalls": false, "maxSimultaneousVideoCalls": 10, "useMaxCallTimeForAnsweredCalls": false, "maxCallTimeForAnsweredCallsMinutes": 300, "useMaxCallTimeForUnansweredCalls": false, "maxCallTimeForUnansweredCallsMinutes": 5, "useMaxConcurrentRedirectedCalls": false, "maxConcurrentRedirectedCalls": 9, "useMaxFindMeFollowMeDepth": false, "maxFindMeFollowMeDepth": 6, "maxRedirectionDepth": 30, "useMaxConcurrentFindMeFollowMeInvocations": false, "maxConcurrentFindMeFollowMeInvocations": 12, "useGroupTranslationRoutingSetting": false, "networkUsageSelection": "Do Not Force Enterprise and Group Calls", "enforceGroupCallingLineIdentityRestriction": false, "allowEnterpriseGroupCallTypingForPrivateDialingPlan": false, "allowEnterpriseGroupCallTypingForPublicDialingPlan": false, "overrideCLIDRestrictionForPrivateCallCategory": false, "useEnterpriseCLIDForPrivateCallCategory": false, "enableEnterpriseExtensionDialing": false, "useGroupDCLIDSetting": false, "enableDialableCallerID": false, "enterpriseCallsCLIDPolicy": "Use External Calls Policy", "useGroupPhoneListLookupSetting": false, "enablePhoneListLookup": false, }
- Request JSON Object:
useGroupName (boolean) – (Optional) to use the group’s name instead of the user’s name.
allowDepartmentCLIDNameOverride (boolean) – (Optional) to set the department’s name instead of the group’s name. Relevant only if useGroupName is set to true.
useGroupCLIDSetting (boolean) – (Optional) to use the policy that you are currently defining for the group. As default, it will be used the policy defined for the Tenant instead.
clidPolicy (string) – (Optional) configure the calling line ID. value comes from list: “Use DN”, Use Configurable CLID”, “Use Group CLID”. NOTE: The “Use Group CLID” value indicates the department CLID will be used if available otherwise the group CLID is used. Relevant only if useGroupCLIDSetting is set to true.
enterpriseCallsCLIDPolicy (string) – (Optional) configure the calling line ID for Enterprise Calls, for an enterprise group only. Value comes from list: “Use Extension”, “Use Location Code plus Extension”, “Use External Calls Policy”. Relevant only if useGroupCLIDSetting is set to true.
groupCallsCLIDPolicy (string) – (Optional) configure the calling line ID for Group Calls. Value comes from list: “Use Extension”, “Use Location Code plus Extension”, “Use External Calls Policy”. Relevant only if useGroupCLIDSetting is set to true.
emergencyClidPolicy (string) – (Optional) configure the calling line ID for Emergency Calls. value comes from list: “Use DN”, Use Configurable CLID”, “Use Group CLID”. NOTE: The “Use Group CLID” value indicates the department CLID will be used if available otherwise the group CLID is used. Relevant only if useGroupCLIDSetting is set to true.
allowAlternateNumbersForRedirectingIdentity (boolean) – (Optional) When a call, that was terminated at a user’s alternate number, is redirected this option controls whether or not the alternate number is used as the redirecting identity. When this option is selected, the alternate number is used as the redirecting identity (provided the Calling Line ID policy is configured to send the user’s directory number as the calling line identity). When this option is not selected, the alternate number is not used as the redirecting identity and the user’s directory number is used instead, (as determined by the effective Calling Line ID policy). Relevant only if useGroupCLIDSetting is set to true.
allowConfigurableCLIDForRedirectingIdentity (boolean) – (Optional) this policy controls the redirecting number present in the Diversion/History-Info header field. Relevant only if useGroupCLIDSetting is set to true.
allowMobileDNForRedirectingIdentity (boolean) – (Optional) this policy controls the usage of the mobile number as redirecting identity present in the Diversion/History-Info header field. Relevant only if useGroupCLIDSetting is set to true. (from AS rel 23)
blockCallingNameForExternalCalls (boolean) – (Optional) the Calling Line ID policy can be configured to prevent the system from sending the user’s calling name when the user makes an external call. Relevant only if useGroupCLIDSetting is set to true.
useUserPhoneNumberForGroupCallsWhenInternalCLIDUnavailable (boolean) – (Optional) Use the User’s Phone Number for Group Calls when the Internal CLID is Unavailable. Relevant only if useGroupCLIDSetting is set to true. (from AS rel 22)
useUserPhoneNumberForEnterpriseCallsWhenInternalCLIDUnavailable (boolean) – (Optional) Use the User’s Phone Number for Enterprise Calls when the Internal CLID is Unavailable. Relevant only if useGroupCLIDSetting is set to true and if in Enterprise model. (from AS rel 22)
useGroupMediaSetting (boolean) – (Optional) to use the policy that you are currently defining for the group. As default, it will be used the policy defined for the Tenant instead.
mediaPolicySelection (string) – (Optional) to configure the Media policy codec. Value comes from list: “Use Uncompressed Codec”,”Use Supported Media Set”,”No Restrictions”. Relevant only if useGroupMediaSetting is set to true.
supportedMediaSetName (string) – (Optional) to select a particular supported media. Relevant only if useGroupMediaSetting is set to true.
useGroupCallLimitsSetting (boolean) – (Optional) to use the policy that you are currently defining for the group or the tenant.
useMaxSimultaneousCalls (boolean) – (Optional) to enable the maximum number of concurrent calls. Relevant only if useGroupCallLimitsSetting is set to true.
maxSimultaneousCalls (integer) – (Optional) to set the maximum number of concurrent calls. Value from range 1 - 999999. Relevant only if useGroupCallLimitsSetting is set to true.
useMaxSimultaneousVideoCalls (boolean) – (Optional) to enable the maximum number of concurrent video calls. Relevant only if useGroupCallLimitsSetting is set to true.
maxSimultaneousVideoCalls (integer) – (Optional) to set the maximum number of concurrent video calls.Value from range 1 - 999999. Relevant only if useGroupCallLimitsSetting is set to true.
useMaxCallTimeForAnsweredCalls (boolean) – (Optional) to enable the maximum duration for answered calls. Relevant only if useGroupCallLimitsSetting is set to true.
maxCallTimeForAnsweredCallsMinutes (integer) – (Optional) to set the maximum duration for answered calls. Value from range 3 - 2880. Relevant only if useGroupCallLimitsSetting is set to true.
useMaxCallTimeForUnansweredCalls (boolean) – (Optional) to enable the maximum duration for unanswered calls. Relevant only if useGroupCallLimitsSetting is set to true.
maxCallTimeForUnansweredCallsMinutes (integer) – (Optional) to set the maximum duration for unanswered calls. Value from range 1 - 2880. Relevant only if useGroupCallLimitsSetting is set to true.
useMaxConcurrentRedirectedCalls (boolean) – (Optional) to enable the maximum number for concurrent redirected calls. Relevant only if useGroupCallLimitsSetting is set to true.
maxConcurrentRedirectedCalls (integer) – (Optional) to set the maximum number for concurrent redirected calls. Value from range 1 - 999999. Relevant only if useGroupCallLimitsSetting is set to true.
useMaxFindMeFollowMeDepth (boolean) – (Optional) to enable the maximum number for the Find Me/Follow me depth. Relevant only if useGroupCallLimitsSetting is set to true.
maxFindMeFollowMeDepth (integer) – (Optional) to set the maximum number for the Find Me/Follow me depth. Value from range 1 - 100. Relevant only if useGroupCallLimitsSetting is set to true.
useMaxConcurrentFindMeFollowMeInvocations (boolean) – (Optional) to enable the maximum number of concurrent Find Me/Follow Me invocations. Relevant only if useGroupCallLimitsSetting is set to true.
maxConcurrentFindMeFollowMeInvocations (integer) – (Optional) to set the maximum number of concurrent Find Me/Follow Me invocations. Value from range 1 - 32. Relevant only if useGroupCallLimitsSetting is set to true.
includeRedirectionsInMaximumNumberOfConcurrentCalls (boolean) – (Optional) Include Redirections in teh count for Maximum Number of Concurrent Calls . Relevant only if useGroupCallLimitsSetting is set to true. (from AS rel 22)
useMaxConcurrentTerminatingAlertingRequests (boolean) – (Optional) to enable the maximum concurrent terminating alerting requests. Relevant only if useGroupCallLimitsSetting is set to true. (from AS rel 22)
maxConcurrentTerminatingAlertingRequests (integer) – (Optional) to set the maximum number for the Find Me/Follow me depth. Relevant only if useGroupCallLimitsSetting is set to true. (from AS rel 22)
maxRedirectionDepth (integer) – (Optional) to set the number for maximum redirection depth.Value from range 1 - 100. Relevant only if useGroupCallLimitsSetting is set to true.
useGroupTranslationRoutingSetting (boolean) – (Optional) to use the policy that you are currently defining for the group or the tenant.
networkUsageSelection (string) – (Optional) this policy allows an administrator to force all calls to route via the network interface on a service provider/enterprise or group basis. Value comes from list: “Force All Calls”,”Force All Except Extension and Location Calls”,”Do Not Force Enterprise and Group Calls”. Relevant only if useGroupTranslationRoutingSetting is set to true.
enforceGroupCallingLineIdentityRestriction (boolean) – (Optional) to forces the group’s calling line ID restrictions. Relevant only if useGroupTranslationRoutingSetting is set to true.
useEnterpriseCLIDForPrivateCallCategory (boolean) – (Optional) to use the policy that you are currently defining for the the tenant. Relevant only if useGroupTranslationRoutingSetting is set to true.
enableEnterpriseExtensionDialing (boolean) – (Optional) configure the calling line ID for Emergency Calls. Relevant only if useGroupTranslationRoutingSetting is set to true.
allowEnterpriseGroupCallTypingForPrivateDialingPlan (boolean) – (Optional) this feature allows group calls to be routed internally within the Application Server if the destination is hosted on the same Application Server, and if the Network Server used a Private Dialing Plan routing policy. Relevant only if useGroupTranslationRoutingSetting is set to true.
allowEnterpriseGroupCallTypingForPublicDialingPlan (boolean) – (Optional) this feature allows group calls to be routed internally within the Application Server if the destination is hosted on the same Application Server, and if the Network Server used a Public Dialing Plan routing policy. Relevant only if useGroupTranslationRoutingSetting is set to true.
overrideCLIDRestrictionForPrivateCallCategory (boolean) – (Optional) this feature allows you to override the Calling Line Identity restrictions when the Network Server returns a contact via its private dialing plan whether the destination is part of the same enterprise as the caller or not. Relevant only if useGroupTranslationRoutingSetting is set to true.
useGroupDCLIDSetting (boolean) – to use the policy that you are currently defining for the group. As default, it will be used the policy defined for the Tenant instead.
enableDialableCallerID (boolean) – (Optional) enable the use of dialable caller ID for the group. Relevant only if useGroupDCLIDSetting is set to true.
useGroupPhoneListLookupSetting (boolean) – (Optional) set the use the Phone List Lookup at group level.
enablePhoneListLookup (boolean) – (Optional) enable the Phone List Lookup for the group. Relevant only if useGroupPhoneListLookupSetting is set to true.
Example response:
- Response:
Similar to GET instance method response.
- Status Codes:
200 OK – no error
400 Bad Request – failed to update.
404 Not Found – service not assigned.