Fax Service

Send Fax

POST /api/v1/tenants/(string: tenant_id)/groups/(string: group_id)/users/(string: user_id)/services/fax/

The API is mapped to XSI command POST /user/<userid>/fax

It requires a BW rel 23 or higher.

Retrieve Fax List

GET /api/v1/tenants/(string: tenant_id)/groups/(string: group_id)/users/(string: user_id)/services/fax/

The API is mapped to XSI command GET /user/<userid>/fax

It requires a BW rel 23 or higher.

Retrieve Fax

GET /api/v1/tenants/(string: tenant_id)/groups/(string: group_id)/users/(string: user_id)/services/fax/bw_3ecf7fa63af349ddaf36833afbc45b5c/

The API is mapped to XSI command GET /user/<userid>/fax/<faxid>

It requires a BW rel 23 or higher.