Mobile Numbers¶
The Mobile Numbers are used for the Mobility service.
List numbers¶
(string: tenant_id)/services/mobile_numbers/
¶ - For the Service Provider, the API is using 2 different Broadsoft APIs, both can be used in the same API call.When “available” is True, ServiceProviderBroadWorksMobilityMobileSubscriberDirectoryNumberGetAvailableListRequest is used.When “assignement” is True, ServiceProviderBroadWorksMobilityMobileSubscriberDirectoryNumberGetSummaryListRequest is used.For the Enterprise the API is using 2 different Broadsoft APIs, both can be used in the same API call.When “available” is True, EnterpriseBroadWorksMobilityMobileSubscriberDirectoryNumberGetAvailableListRequest is used.When “assignement” is True, EnterpriseBroadWorksMobilityMobileSubscriberDirectoryNumberGetAssignmentListRequest is used.
Add numbers¶
(string: tenant_id)/services/mobile_numbers/
¶ - The API is mapped to ServiceProviderBroadWorksMobilityMobileSubscriberDirectoryNumberAddListRequestThere is no partial success possible: it is a all or nothingIf a number does not exist, the addition of that number is considered as a success. In that case there is a ‘warning’ additional attribute with more details
Additional informations
- Request JSON Object:
phoneNumbers (array) – Minimum items: 1.
Remove numbers¶
(string: tenant)/services/mobile_numbers/
¶ - The API is mapped to ServiceProviderBroadWorksMobilityMobileSubscriberDirectoryNumberDeleteListRequestThere is no partial success possible: it is a all or nothingIf a number does not exist, the delete is considered as a success
Additional informations
- Request JSON Object:
phoneNumbers (array) – Minimum items: 1.